Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Long time no ride

I've been neglecting this blog, mostly because I've been neglecting my road bike. Poor Paris hadn't seen the great outdoors for over two weeks. I was determined to change that tonight. I spent the entire day holed up in Muddy Waters working diligently on my focus group transcription, knowing that at the end of it all I would reward myself with a nice long ride on Paris. It had been hot out, but beautiful and sunny when I arrived at the coffee shop. At some point, in the four hours I was there, the weather gods decided to mess with me. As I left for home, it started to drizzle. It stopped by the time I arrived. I checked the hourly weather forecast... 50% chance of thunderstorms. Hmm... I looked outside and saw nothing but dark gray overhead, but a whole lot of light gray to the west. And the weather here always moves from west to east. Hmm... So I checked two other weather sites. They both agreed that it was only a 40% chance of showers for the next two hours (probably use the same satellite data). I decided to believe the majority and get myself all kitted up to ride.

It was still dry and the wind had died down when I walked out to the garage. As I was putting on my helmet and gloves, I heard the first raindrops. By the time I had my shoes on, the rain was coming down pretty seriously. I stood in the garage and contemplated my options. Give up? Or get wet? I chose to get wet, and boy did I ever. It poured, and thundered, and lightninged for the first 30 minutes of my ride. I kept looking ahead at the lighter gray skies in front of me, hoping that I would catch them or they would catch me before my willpower gave out. I did, or they did, doesn't matter which. The end result was a very wet start to a mostly dry 35 mile ride through the rolling countryside. Just right for getting back into the groove of things.

Oh, and as soon as I got home, it started to thunder, lightning, and pour down rain again. I guess the weather gods have a sense of humor.