Monday, May 5, 2008


Since my original plans regarding racing and training got somewhat derailed by this move, I've got a new list of goals to work on this summer, some easier than others.

1. Find a team I like. UofR has a cycling team, but I'm going to make sure I don't just join up because that's where I go to school. There are other teams in the area and I want to check them out before I decide.

2. Lose some weight/fat. I'm near the heaviest weight I've ever been, although I'm also in the best shape I've been since my first knee surgery. I don't really care what my final weight ends up being, but I do want to decrease my % body fat and that will result in weight and inches loss. I'm guessing about 15-20 lbs, which should put me down about two sizes. I don't have a scale right now, so I'll be watching measurements and weighing myself occasionally at the gym.

3. Fix my diet. I am now 100% in control of the food I eat and the food available to me for the first time in my life. I can and will make sure that I eat healthy foods and avoid junk. Reduce fat and avoid simple sugars and I should be good. I'm also trying to add at least some veggies or fruit to every meal, and using produce as my snacks and desserts. Obviously this will help a lot with goal #2.

4. Get back to regular lifting. I didn't even manage once a week for my last month in Portland. I need to maintain all the muscle I've built and my feminine physiology isn't doing my any favors. I need to get myself to the gym, as much as I don't like it.

5. Find a yoga class. I loved yoga and it's one of the best stress relievers I've ever found. Plus it's a great workout for building and toning muscle. I'm not exactly an elite cyclist that needs to do nothing but ride and I think the added strength and energy will help me a lot. I think I can get free classes through UofR. If that's true, I'm signing up.

6. Train smarter. Mostly this involves getting a heart rate monitor. I'm not very good at the perceived effort thing, especially when I'm by myself. I have a tendency to ease up too much when I should be going all out or pushing too hard when I should be recovering. I think having a number in front of me will help a lot. It will at least help me know how I should feel depending on the goal for that ride/interval.

7. Race as much as I can. Money and time are going to become significantly limiting factors once school starts. Transportation might also be a problem. But I still love to race and will do whatever it takes to get out there and do it.

My commuter bike will be here by Friday. I'm already itching to ride.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good goals. I'm actually going to be going along with a lot of the food ones, too. I'd love to find some time for real yoga or something, but right now I haven't the time or money. What I need is my license so I can start up my barter system...