Friday, January 16, 2009


Yeah, I'm going to start running. I'm going to do the Couch to 5K plan, because it'll force me to start slow and run often. I did my first day today, in the frigid conditions. I'm not sure why I thought that it was a good idea, except it was probably the only way to get myself out of the house today.

I started by layering on a baselayer and two fleeces, then a pari of yoga pants with warmups on top, cozy socks, running shoes, a hat, and heavy gloves. It was about -10F outside and I thought that would be enough. It was almost, but not quite. I survived, though, and made my way toward the cemetery (the only place with a path cleared of snow longer than 2 blocks). I ran 60 seconds, then walked 90 seconds. Repeated 8 times, with warm up and cool down walks. That's it for day one. It was harder than I expected, possibly because the cold air made it hurt to breathe in. That'll just make the next time seem that much easier. On the plus side, I love my comfy new shoes, and my knees don't hurt at all yet.

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