Sunday, May 25, 2008

The well is empty

I haven't been on my race bike since Tuesday. The weather is beautiful, there's no real reason not to ride, but the excuses keep piling up in my head. I'm overwhelmed with schoolwork (although the mountain is shrinking), frustrated with my poor showing at the crit, scared I'll have another poor showing at the next race, and there's no one here to get me out on my bike but myself.

Then I read this. If you're ever struggling to understand why I fell head over heels for cycling in such a short time, read some of this blog, particularly the favorites in the sidebar. If you still don't get it, I just can't help you. That particular post articulates how I'm feeling right now perfectly. When I look for my motivation, it's just not there. But it will come back, maybe later today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. In the meantime, I'll be working through that shrinking mountain of reading and trying not to think about the race on Tuesday.

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