Sunday, June 1, 2008

Still plugging along

I had a really nice relaxed ride on Thursday with Bernie from the UR Cycling team. We went about 30 miles in a little less than 2 hours. It was a good relaxed pace and just what I had been needing.

Friday I finally got myself into the gym. First for a yoga class, which was great. It was a very energizing style of yoga, so once the class was over I was feeling ready to go lift for a while. So that's what I did, working all the major muscle groups and using light weights just to get myself used to lifting again. By the time I finished my muscles were feeling pretty dead but I was feeling really good.

The next morning I woke up sore all over, as can be expected after weightlifting, and with a mild sore throat. So I took the day off, except for my 10 mile ride to the grocery store and back. Today I felt much better and went riding with Bernie and a couple others from UR. One guy is from Salem, so he sympathized with my dislike of the wind and lack of hills. I've got to admit, though, the farmland and rolling countryside around Rochester is beautiful. It's just a very different kind of scenery from what I'm used to.

I don't think I'm going to do the GVCC race this week. I'm going to focus on lifting and a couple of short intensity workouts at a level I can handle. With my current computer troubles and the stack of homework I'm ignoring right now, it'll be good to take the week off.

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